Color composite thumbnail image of V-028741V-028741 (J013311.85+303852.7 )

Target Notes

Color composite thumbnail image of V-028741

Classification: Of/late-WN

Unresolved blend contending with two LGGS stars (J013311.85+303852.7, J013311.88+303853.5) including target M33C-13254. See M33C-13254 for photometry of the blend. ***Updated 180530***

Find In Simbad Query LGGS Massey (2016) at VizieR Query CAT WISE (Eisenhardt et al., 2020) at VizieR Query Gaia DR3 (2022) at VizieR LBT Spectra @UMN
Query M33 Variability Hartman et al. Survey (2006) at VizieR

Photometry Table

Download table (txt) Key to Flags in Table Key For Images Plot/Graph Variability
Download table (txt) Key to Flags in Table Key For Images Plot/Graph Variability

Plots of Brightness and Color

Key for Plot Variability Photometry Table Target Notes

No photometry to plot (See Notes<>)

Key for Plot Variability Photometry Table Target Notes


Plot/Graph Photometry Table Target Notes

No photometry (See Notes<>)

Plot/Graph Photometry Table Target Notes

I & R Statistics

Welch & Stetson (1993, AJ, 105, 1813) present a method for varible star detection in CCD images from automated surveys. Data from two bands are compared and two statistics are calculated: R and I.

The I-statistic has an expectation value of zero for stars that are NOT variable. A larger non-zero I-value indicates a higher likelihood that the star is variable. The R statistic indicates how the color of the star changes as the variable grows brighter with R = 1.0 being no change in color.

R and I values have only been calculated if there are more than four (4) matched measurements of brightness in each band.
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By John C. Martin, University of Illinois Springfield Henry R. Barber Research Observatory

Generated on 2023-08-14 14:15:12 UT-5