Photometry Table Codes

A=Magnitue is an average of more than one measurement made less than one day apart.
b=Minor offset in mangitude possible. Blending with a nearby star may offset the measured brightness by less than the size of the quoted error.
B=Significant offset in magnitude possible. Blending with a nearby star may offset the measured brightness by more than the size of the quoted error.
T=Color correction has not been applied to transform the magnitude. Ususally because there is insufficent color information at that epoch to calculate the correction. Affect on the magnitude will be less than 10 milli-magnitudes unless the target has an extreme color.
X=An issue of image quality causes this point to be uncertain. (Points with this flage are not included in the graph/plot.)

Notation on Thumnail Images

The thumbnail images depict a section of the image from that epoch centered on the target location mesuring roughly 11 arcseconds on a side. Orientation is north up and west to the right. The images were gerated using SAOimage DS9 with contrast set using the default "zscale" algorithm.
Green crosshair=Centered on the expected location of target.
Red box=Expected location of target that is not matched with any nearby star(s).
Magenta circle=Location and magnitude of star modeled by DAOphot allstar (zero-point corrected but not color transformed).

Notation on Photometry Plots/Graphs

Plots exclude points in the photometry table that are considered unreliable due to poor image quality (noted with an "X" in the phtometry table). The scale on the y-axis for each band is set by the brightest valid measurement (excluding those measured as "fainter than") and the faintest valid measurement (including those measured as "fainter than").
Filled circle=Magnitude with no concerns
Open circle=Magntiude marked 'b' in the photometry table. Minor offset in mangitude possible. Blending with a nearby star may offset the measured brightness by less than the size of the quoted error.
X=Magntiude marked 'B' in the photometry table. Significant offset in magnitude possible. Blending with a nearby star may offset the measured brightness by more than the size of the quoted error.
Up-side-down Triangle=Target was not detected at that epoch and must be fainter than position of the symbol.
Heavy Dashed Horizontal Line=Average of the measured magnitudes across all epochs.
Light Dashed Horizontal Lines=± 0.01 mag above and below the average of the magnitude.