Color composite thumbnail image of M31-004253.42M31-004253.42 (J004253.41+412700.4)

Target Notes

Color composite thumbnail image of M31-004253.42

Classification: OB-Supergiant

Unresolved from three LGGS stars >3 magnitudes fainter within 2 arcseconds.

Find In Simbad Query LGGS Massey (2016) at VizieR Query CAT WISE (Eisenhardt et al., 2020) at VizieR Query Gaia DR3 (2022) at VizieR LBT Spectra @UMN
Query Kaluzny et al. (1998) M31 Survey at VizieR
Query POINT-AGAPE An et al. (2004) M31 Survey at VizieR

Photometry Table

Download table (txt) Key to Flags in Table Key For Images Plot/Graph Variability
56599.08 17.21± 0.03bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  56599.080
17.16± 0.06bM31-004253.42 in filter B on MJD  56599.080
17.12± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter R on MJD  56599.080
57988.34 17.29± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  57988.340
17.27± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter B on MJD  57988.340
17.20± 0.03bM31-004253.42 in filter R on MJD  57988.340
17.18± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter I on MJD  57988.340
58077.11 17.14± 0.06bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  58077.110
17.14± 0.05bM31-004253.42 in filter B on MJD  58077.110
17.05± 0.05bM31-004253.42 in filter R on MJD  58077.110
17.17± 0.07bM31-004253.42 in filter I on MJD  58077.110
58342.31 17.02± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  58342.310
-------- 17.15± 0.05bM31-004253.42 in filter I on MJD  58342.310
58372.15 17.01± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  58372.150
-------- 16.95± 0.05bM31-004253.42 in filter I on MJD  58372.150
58671.33 17.03± 0.05bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  58671.330
17.00± 0.05bM31-004253.42 in filter B on MJD  58671.330
58696.25 16.96± 0.05bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  58696.250
16.97± 0.05bM31-004253.42 in filter B on MJD  58696.250
16.91± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter R on MJD  58696.250
16.98± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter I on MJD  58696.250
59019.35 17.00± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  59019.350
16.98± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter B on MJD  59019.350
59059.34 17.09± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  59059.340
---- 16.99± 0.03bM31-004253.42 in filter R on MJD  59059.340
59077.17 17.01± 0.05bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  59077.170
-------- 16.98± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter I on MJD  59077.170
59082.22 16.99± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  59082.220
16.96± 0.05bM31-004253.42 in filter B on MJD  59082.220
59136.09 16.93± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  59136.090
16.92± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter B on MJD  59136.090
16.90± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter R on MJD  59136.090
59166.10 16.94± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  59166.100
-------- 16.94± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter I on MJD  59166.100
59379.36 16.94± 0.05bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  59379.360
---- 16.88± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter R on MJD  59379.360
59442.24 17.23± 0.05bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  59442.240
17.14± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter B on MJD  59442.240
---- 17.05± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter I on MJD  59442.240
59483.09 16.91± 0.05bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  59483.090
---- 16.88± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter R on MJD  59483.090
59525.08 17.29± 0.05bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  59525.080
17.21± 0.05bM31-004253.42 in filter B on MJD  59525.080
59546.11 17.02± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  59546.110
-------- 17.03± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter I on MJD  59546.110
59753.38 17.07± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  59753.380
17.11± 0.06bM31-004253.42 in filter B on MJD  59753.380
17.01± 0.03bM31-004253.42 in filter R on MJD  59753.380
59823.12 16.97± 0.05bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  59823.120
-------- 16.90± 0.05bM31-004253.42 in filter I on MJD  59823.120
59854.11 17.09± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  59854.110
17.07± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter B on MJD  59854.110
17.03± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter R on MJD  59854.110
59905.15 16.97± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter V on MJD  59905.150
16.94± 0.06bM31-004253.42 in filter B on MJD  59905.150
16.92± 0.04bM31-004253.42 in filter R on MJD  59905.150
16.90± 0.06bM31-004253.42 in filter I on MJD  59905.150
Download table (txt) Key to Flags in Table Key For Images Plot/Graph Variability

Plots of Brightness and Color

Key for Plot Variability Photometry Table Target Notes

Plot of photometry for M31-004253.42Plot of color for M31-004253.42

Key for Plot Variability Photometry Table Target Notes


Plot/Graph Photometry Table Target Notes

It is very likely that this star is variable.

Correlation factors between bands

If the brightness variation is true variability then there should be a correlation between brightness changes recorded in different filter bands. The following table are the R-squared linear correlation factors calculated for the pairs of bands. The number in parentheses next to the R-squared value is the number of elements used to calculate the correlation factor. The number in square brackets next to the band is the range of magnitudes measured.

V [0.35 mag]B [0.38 mag]R [0.33 mag]
B [0.35 mag]0.93 (13)
R [0.33 mag]0.98 (11)0.94 (8)
I [0.28 mag]0.52 (11)0.83 (5)0.75 (4)

Magnitude-Magnitude Plots

The plots below are provided to check the values in the table above and also to show any non-linear correlations

Plot to assess correlation between bands for M31-004253.42

Plot to assess correlation between bands for M31-004253.42

Plot/Graph Photometry Table Target Notes

I & R Statistics

Welch & Stetson (1993, AJ, 105, 1813) present a method for varible star detection in CCD images from automated surveys. Data from two bands are compared and two statistics are calculated: R and I.

The I-statistic has an expectation value of zero for stars that are NOT variable. A larger non-zero I-value indicates a higher likelihood that the star is variable. The R statistic indicates how the color of the star changes as the variable grows brighter with R = 1.0 being no change in color.

R and I values have only been calculated if there are more than four (4) matched measurements of brightness in each band.
7.31 | 0.85
9.03 | 0.988.32 | 0.75
4.55 | 1.166.29 | 1.13--- | ----

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By John C. Martin, University of Illinois Springfield Henry R. Barber Research Observatory

Generated on 2023-08-14 14:15:12 UT-5